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Karela extract

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Karela extract

Segment : Taste Masking

Comprises : Taste Masked Karela Extract

Size : 12/14#,14/18#,18/20#,16/20#,14/20#,20/30#,30/60#

Available Strength : 30%, 50%

Product Code : 01{confidential}

Karela has been widely used as a herbal medication which is not only safe but also used to avoid side effects of various medicines.

Karela, also known as Momordica charantia L., belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. Bitter melon is a good source of nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, folate and vitamin A.

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General properties related to Taste Masking


  • The Karela extract is traditionally used as vegetable insulin as it might have antioxidant and antidiabetic properties.
  • Karela contains a few chemicals, including glycoside, charantin, vicine, karavilosides, and polypeptide-p (plant insulin).


  • Karela extract used in pharmaceutical, food, Nutraceutical, Personal Care & Supplements.
  • Karela extract used in Capsules, Syrups, Churna, powder, Skin care (Moisture oil, Serum, Cream, Toner), Hair Care(Powder,Oil).
  • Karela extract Spheres, Beadlets for capsules.
  • Karela extract Granules, Mups for tablets.
  • Karela extract Power for microencapsulation.

Formats Available

  • Karela extract Microencapsulation into beadlets
  • Karela extract Pellets
  • Karela extract MUPS
  • Karela extract Exfoliator
  • Karela extract Microcapsules
  • Karela extract Microspheres
  • Karela extract Microencapsulated powder
  • Karela extract Lipid-coated powder form
  • Karela extract Lipid coated beadlets
  • Karela extract Biocompatible and biodegradable liquid base active
  • Karela extract Soft spheres loaded actives
  • Karela extract Controlled released powder form
  • Karela extract Taste-masked powder or beadlets
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